
Newman Medical simpleABI-300 Handheld PVR System – Single-Level + TBI (Toe)



A PC-based system that meets the new dual ankle requirement. 

The Newman Medical ABI-300 ABI System is a manual PC-based system for single-level examination that meets the new dual ankle requirement for CPT code 93922. It is easy to learn and use the ABI system with point-and-click reporting right on the computer. It uses a “Gold Standard” 8MHz Doppler. It has easy to “click and capture” PVR waveforms. It automatically calculates indexes and produces customizable reports with your practice information and logo. It can be printed on any standard printer and attach multiple formats directly to EMR records. The kit includes a single level ABI/TBI testing unit, a sensitive 8MHz Doppler, PVR waveforms, 4 cuffs, manual aneroid, mobile carry bag, and an option for a PPG Probe (DPPG) and Digit cuff (Cuff-120) for TBI testing. It also has the option to come with a computer, roll stand, and/or printer.

2-year warranty is included.

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Warranty Information

2-Year Warranty
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Additional Information

New Medical Equipment:
Dopplers / ABI
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