
Newman Medical ABI-400CL ABI System



Newman Medical ABI-400CL ABI System

An advanced automated system in a PC based ABI/TBI testing unit. 

The Newman Medical ABI-400CL ABI System is an advanced automated system for single level examinations that meet the new dual ankle requirements for CPT code 93922. It has an automated cufflink that can inflate and calculate. It is a PC based ABI system that is simple to use and easy to learn. It has a point and click reporting right on the computer and utilizes a gold standard 8 MHz Doppler. It has an easy click and captures PVR waveform with customizable reports that can include practical information and your logo. It can print information from any standard office printer and attach multiple formats directly to EMR records. It includes a cuff-link 4 with 6 buttons remote for automated testing and PPG Probe.

2-Year Warranty is included!

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Warranty Information

2-Year Warranty
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Additional Information

New Medical Equipment:
Dopplers / ABI
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